Lay Eucharistic Visitor
Our Lay Eucharistic Visitors take the consecrated elements following the Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who were unable to be present.
Youth Ministry
Youth Sunday is every fifth Sunday. A youth-lead service takes place at our 10:30 AM service. Recognition of our Graduates takes place in August .
Jackson-Feild Services
Boy's Home of Covington
CARES (Crisis Assistance Response Emergency Shelter)
When you enter the church, you will be greeted by a greeter or an usher. There will be a baptismal font in the aisle. It contains Holy Water.
Our newsletter is published quarterly. Please submit church, community, organization, or committee news articles to our newsletter coordinator & editor.
Pastoral Care
The ministry of caring at the heart of the church's life. It may include hospital visitation, counseling, and ministries of shared presence, listening, and support.
Feeding Programs
Feeding every 4th Sunday following 10:30am service.
Hope Center
Christian Formation
Have a conversation with scripture during Christian Formation at 9:15 AM every Sunday.
Noonday Prayers & Bible Study
Noonday Prayer is held on Wednesdays via Zoom from 12:00 PM till 12:45PM, Service, lessons, and discussions.(LINK).
Our website is updated weekly and published for public viewing. We try to feature both our church and community activities and events.
We support our students and teachers through our back-to-school projects and our donation of supplies to the Teacher's Closet.
Choir / Music
At your seat you will need to pick up a Book of Common Prayer, Hymnal, and LEVAS (Lift Every Voice and Sing). Page and hymn number will be announced to the congregation.